There is no one else but you
Last week, one of my Spanish tutors shared with me this song for a listening exercise. This one below.
This song is beautiful. The words are profound. What do you think?
No hay nadie más (There is no one else)
🎵 I remember that day
As if it were today
There's nothing like her
Didn't even try to find me
I still remember
The time I kissed her
It was my first love
And now I write her song
There is something more
Inexplicable as her look
Incomparable like the way she watches over me
And tries to hide the fact that It is not bad
I'm going to take care of you at nights
I will love you without reproaches
I'll miss you in the storm
And although there are a thousand reasons to give up
There is no one else
There is no one else 🎵
When I was younger I used to listen to the radio, and they used to play salsa music. I did not understand Spanish, but it’s like the singers were speaking to my soul. I could understand the music without understanding a word. I enjoyed listening to the voice of the singer, the melody of the song, and the instruments. Everything was one. I never felt that way while listening to a romantic music in Créole or in French.
Have you felt that way before while listening to a song?
It was as if I was transported by the music.
The words were directly going to my soul and to my heart.
I guess this is how I was led to learn how to dance salsa.
I learned how to dance salsa when I was 18 years old.
A couple years later, I joined a Latin danse group in Martinique. I kept practicing cuban salsa and I learned how to dance portoricana salsa, chacha cha, merengue, and tango. I used to lose myself while I was dancing cuban salsa. It’s my favourite. For a few minutes, I forgot about my life. I was just dancing and listening to the music. I was in the moment. I was transported again.
Soul to soul.
Heart to heart.
Also, years ago, I realised that I like the sounds of the acoustic guitar.
One of my uncles gave me one when I was in primary school, and I could not care less. I was not interested in this.
In 2017, I met a man from Argentina. He used to play his guitar and sing. I was amazed.
Wow! The song and the melody.
Do I have to specify that he was just a friend?! I don’t even know where he is right now.
It’s interesting to see how we change with time.
Yesterday, we were.
Today, we are another person with new taste. We like different things.
No, I don’t dance like I used to. It was just a season of my life. I enjoyed the time through.
Now, I would like to share one of my favourite song from Marc Anthony. You may have heard about him. The video is below. I have to say that I don’t watch the video clip cause it’s too much for me. I prefer listening to it on my phone. Usually, I don’t watch video clips. Sometimes, they spoil the beauty and the purity of the lyrics.
Un amor eterno (A eternal love)
🎶 Because of you this morning's sunrise is different
Because of you, because you are by my side
Everything is different because of you, only because of you
Because of you, that with a kiss you reveal my life
Because of you, who know better than to hurt my wounds
Because of you, only because of you
And even if it seems a lie, I dreamt of you before
Maybe I knew you from another life
Now you are here and I have no doubt
That you are the woman I have been waiting for so long
Who loves me and takes so much care of me
Who with her hands fills me with delight
The one that with her voice unsettles my soul
You are the woman I have been waiting for so long
The one who shares her laughter and cries
the one who gives herself body and soul
the one who can give a love forever
A love forever 🎶
My favourite part : “Now you are here and I have no doubt that you are the woman I have been waiting for so long. Who loves me and takes so much care of me. Who with her hands fills me with delight. The one that with her voice unsettles my soul. You are the woman I have been waiting for so long. The one who shares her laughter and cries. The one who gives herself body and soul. The one who can give a love forever.”
Usually, when I listen to this song, I just close my eyes. It’s soooooo beautiful.
The fact that he waited for her, and he knows it’s her. You are the woman that I need. There is no one like you. You are the one.
You want this type of love.
A love where you can give yourself body and soul.
You want to be with someone to share laughter and cries.
Life is not easy so we will laugh and we will cry together.
We are staying together even when it’s getting tough. We are not jumping out of the boat.
When you love someone with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul, you take care of this person.
You don’t harm him. You want the best for him, like he wants the best for you.
We take care of each other.
We have each other back.
It’s deep.
This kind of love is rare.
This kind of love is pure.
This kind of love is beautiful.
This kind of love is worth more than rubies and gold.
To be loved like that.
A few can say that…
I wish that you will find someone that will love you like that.
Avec amour,