Heart-to-heart… A coeur ouvert…
It’s been a while since I’ve been here and shared something with you. I was busy with “La Femme Victorieuse” in French and in Brazilian Portuguese. New beginnings… Also, I started a new YouTube channel in English about love, life and God.
I like new beginnings, it’s exciting! The new! The unknown!
I really don’t know what to expect with this new channel.
Also, I started a YouTube channel in Brazilian Portuguese. I am outside of my comfort zone because I started learning Brazilian Portuguese in July 2022. It’s been a little more than one year now. God put this in my heart and I obeyed.
Learning new languages was something in my heart since High School. There is a time and a season for everything. Each season of your life has a purpose. It’s important to discern time and seasons in your life to do what you are supposed to do.
God makes everything beautiful in its time. It was time for me to start this new journey.
Passons… Let’s continue…
Lately, I’ve been thinking about my journey to get there, all the valleys of darkness and all the deserts I crossed to be who I am, and where I am today. It was painful and difficult to follow God’s guidance without knowledge, understanding, and divine revelations.
When I started my journey with God I did not have the knowledge and understanding that I have today.
Many times, I found myself puzzled not understanding what God was doing in my life.
It’s like I was walking far away from the path I wanted for me.
When you give your life to God, you have to deny yourself, you have to put your own interests aside. It’s not easy to do that every day in order to do the will of God in your life.
God had a plan for you. He has a destiny for you. He knows what is best for you.
God loves you. You are His child.
A long time ago, I left my beautiful island following God’s instructions without knowing what to expect.
I walk by faith and not by sight.
I could not understand why God wanted me here in this cold weather. Why the UK? Why not Brazil? Why not Argentina? Why not another island in the Caribbean?! Why I am still here?
For year, I was waiting for the time where God will tell me it’s time to come back to Martinique. This day never happened.
God transformed me here in the UK, far from everything that I know.
I had to rely on Him. I became closer to Him, my Heavenly Father.
He changed me deeply, and I became a new person. A better version.
A loving and strong woman of God.
When I left Martinique, I knew nothing about destiny, calling, and purpose.
I had God in my life, but I was living for myself, my needs, and my desires.
I had my own plans.
With time, I learned more about the word of God, His purpose for me, and the destiny He has for me. Then, I understood why God led me to the UK. Far away from Martinique, I became the woman God wanted me to be. Everything I went through helped me to become the Founder of “La Femme Victorieuse”. Each season was necessary to become the person I am today.
God broke me gracefully to become the woman He wanted me to be. He changed the trajectory of my life for better.
My calling is bigger than me.
I know a few will understand what I sacrificed to do the will of God in my life.
I know I am who God created me to be, because I followed His instructions in my life. No way I would have become this person If I had stayed in Martinique. Even the languages I speak is the will of God.
Doing the will of God in your life is a constant fight, because we live in a falling world. A world that pushes us to destruction little by little. Nowadays, many people call evil good, and good evil. It’s difficult to stay on the path God has for you. It’s difficult to do the right thing every day. We are in this world, but not of it.
Along the way, I made mistakes because I did now know any better. You can have good intentions, but because of lack of knowledge and understanding you do things that won’t bring good fruits on the long way.
God saved me from myself. He was patient with me. He changed and restored me. The process of becoming took years, but I am happy that I am not the person that I am used to be.
Today, I have peace in my life. My past does not control me. It’s priceless. All glory to God.
God has a plan for you. He has a destiny for you. Trust God with all your steps. Let Him guide you. He knows what is best for you. Lean on Him. He can change you and change your life. He is a loving Father. He loves all his children. He wants to help you to become the best version of yourself.
I would never have predicted to be where I am today at 35 years old. It’s not what I envisioned for myself. When you walk with God you are not fully in control. You take the passenger seat.
He always exceeds our expectations (Ephesians 3 : 20). He can open a door for you that no man can shut, He is the God of the impossible. When you do things with Him, He will bless everything that you do.
Trust Him.
I can feel my life is about to change again to new horizons.
It’s scary but I know God is in control.
With love…