Love letters…

Today, I would like to share with you an extract of a letter found in the book “Healed for love” written by Melvin Davis. I brought this book in March 2022, and I really enjoyed reading it. This book was a blessing to me.

Maintenant, la lettre d’amour:

My future wife,

…. I want you to know that wherever you are in life, I am praying for you to experience peace and wholeness. I want you to be complete and healed, full of joy before we meet each other. I’m going to look at you as a complement to my life - only to add to it, never to subtract, or divide from it.

You’re not the only one who’s being prepared for marriage. While I’m waiting on you, God is shaping me into the man he wants me to be for you: A protector and a provider, a great communicator, and a spiritual leader. He’s molding me into a man who’s transparent and vulnerable - vulnerable enough to accept you in my life without reservation that comes from the fear of being hurt because I have experienced that pain, too….

Love Always,

David Bradshaw”

Again, it’s an extract, the letter is longer than that. The first time I read it, it resonated in all my being… I read it many times. The words are so profound, full of love for his future wife, and also for God.

Also, the idea that a man that is waiting to meet his wife write her a love letter. Something, she will read, a testimony of his patience and his faith. I don’t know, c’est merveilleux! Wow…..

God always prepared his sons and daughters before getting married. God created Adam and Eve at the end, when everything was ready for them. In Genesis, you can really see how God loves His children. He did not bring us into chaos. He created heaven for us.

God is love.

All these deep feelings. Love is. Sometimes, it can be hard to express how much you love someone with words. Love can be overwhelming.

You know last year around this time, I’ve started writing letters to my husband. One day, I wanted badly to speak to him, and since I could not do it I wrote him letters. I just write letters to express whatever is in my heart on a particular day. I don’t do this every day, but just when I feel like it. It’s like taking what I feel inside and put it somewhere else.

You know love is beautiful, but you have to experience it with the right person. Finding the right person is not easy. Love is risky. It’s beautiful and risky. Loving the wrong person can be destructive. Your life can be shattered. Healing is a process that takes time. Trusting someone again takes time.

Oneness can only be experience with two people that are whole. You cannot be one spiritually, emotionally, and physically if you are broken, or if your soul is fragmented.

Pure love comes from wholeness. You have to be in a place where you feel whole to give pure love to someone. You have to be in a place where you feel whole to be transparent and vulnerable. True and pure love cannot be experienced when two people only share the surface. True and pure love is deep.

It’s beautiful when you find it, but a few will know that type of love.

Nowadays, people rush everything and are mostly performing love. They are not looking for something deep. A lot of them just want to be with someone to avoid being with themselves.

Don’t get me wrong I am not saying that what they feel is not love. I am just saying that they cannot go into that stage of true and pure love. The one that God intended for us to experience here on earth.

A toxic and abusive person can love you with all his or her heart. They will tell you they love you, and you will see in their eyes that they truly love you, but they are still toxic and abusive. Do you get my point? I hope so… There are different types of love.

I would like to experience the highest form of love. I am all in. I don’t want to have half. I want it all. The purest and the truest form of love. So, we will see…

Love can knock on your door at any time. Just be ready for it.

Avec amour,



Jessy is the Founder of “La Femme Victorieuse,” an international online media platform for the children of God, especially women of God. Available in French, English, and Brazilian Portuguese, this platform serves as a beacon of faith and encouragement for thousands around the globe.

A trained Paralegal, Jessy holds a master’s degree in Business law from Paul Cézanne University Aix-Marseille III in France. But her journey goes far beyond law. As a Digital Content Creator, she is also a Writer, Author, Speaker, and Host on YouTube and podcasts. With her natural ease in front of the camera and an inspired pen, she delivers powerful messages of faith and empowerment.

Originally from Martinique, this child of the Caribbean grew up surrounded by the rhythm of the waves and the richness of Creole culture. For over 10 years, she has been residing in London, where she continues to shine.

As a Life Coach for women of God, Jessy helps her clients overcome obstacles and guides them toward success in alignment with their faith

An accomplished polyglot, Jessy speaks Martiniquan Creole, French, English, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese. These linguistic skills allow her to reach an international audience and spread God’s message across the world.

She has also authored prayer books in French, providing God’s children with tools to achieve victory in their relationship with their Heavenly Father and deepen their faith.

At the core of everything she undertakes is her unwavering love for God and her deep desire to help others. Jessy is a true force of nature, proving that it is possible to succeed by following one’s passions while remaining true to one’s convictions and honouring God. She is an inspiring role model for those who seek to achieve their goals while staying grounded in their faith.


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