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Kingdom marriages: the wait


As I was getting ready to go to bed, I felt inspired to write on the topic of Kingdom marriages. You know, I only write on this blog when I am inspired. It’s freeing not having deadlines. I just let my writing flow through me.

Allez on commence !

It’s not easy to wait on God to meet your spouse. Sometimes, you can feel lonely and think that God is taking ages to act in your life. He is the God of the impossible (Luke 18:27), but you have to wait for His perfect timing (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

God is not early, He is not late, He is always on time.

He is never in a hurry.

Nowadays everything goes fast like Amazon one-day delivery. It’s so convenient, isn’t it?!

I remember having a conversation with God telling Him: “There was an evening, there was a morning and nothing has changed”. I saw the sunrise and the sunset and I am still in the same situation. How long am I gonna wait? I saw weeks, months and now years. What are you waiting for?”

Despite knowing the Word of God, I was frustrated. Enough is enough! I need to be delivered from this situation now.

I remember watching some sermons and listening to prophetic words on YouTube. Pastors and Prophets were saying things like: “God is about to do… God is on the verge of doing… It’s coming sooner that you expect it… God will do a suddenly… He will do it… You are about to cross the Jordan river… It’s time!”

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I was frustrated. I said to God tomorrow is a good day to perform a miracle in the life of your child.

I have to say it was just a season of frustration. I was tired, exhausted and fed up. You know when you fight a battle after another, and you just want to rest, but God says keep fighting. You start another fight already exhausted. You just want to see the end of it, to have some rest and go to the next level. That was me.

Just fed up and exhausted!

The waiting season can be painful.

Also, there is “the waiting season” and “the circumstances” in which you are waiting. Sometimes, you are not in the best situation while you are waiting on God to perform a miracle.

What did I learn the last years?

We are different and we don’t have the same path.

Think about it! Jesus, David, Joseph, the Prophet Samuel, Esther and Ruth do not have the same story in the Bible.

Some people will meet their spouse at school, at uni, at work, in the coffee shop around the corner, on holidays, on a plane, maybe a friend of a friend etc… You get the picture.

For some, everything will happen very quickly. They meet their future husband/wife, they get married the following week/month, and the same year they have children.

Others will wait a long time before meeting their spouse.

You don’t want to be in the last category 😅.

We all want the fast line 😂.

Have you ever heard a beautiful testimony of what God did while this person was waiting for their miracle?! They told their story and you were moved by it, but still said to God: "Please don’t let that be my testimony. Not my portion!” 😂

Please tell the truth! ha ha ha!

There is a purpose in the waiting season. God uses the process to prepare us for what is coming.

He gets you ready before performing a miracle in your life.

He gets you ready before the rain of blessings.

You have to become the promise before seeing the promise.

Most of us want the destination without going through the process.

It reminds me the story of Joseph. Being sold as slave, being in Potiphar’s house, ending in prison for something that he did not do, and in the palace with Pharaoh. God transformed Him before arriving at the destination. God did a “suddenly” in his life, from the prison to the Palace. Everything happened quickly.

God is preparing you before meeting your husband. You are becoming a wife.

God has to renew your mind to think like a spouse and not like a single woman.

It’s interesting, isn’t it?

I must say that I learned a lot about Kingdom marriages from 2018 till this year. I had to admit to myself that I was not ready to get married in 2018/2020. I was not there yet. It’s a process. God changes the way you think, the way you perceive things, and the way you do things.

God has to prepare you to be the wife your husband needs, and He will do the same thing with your husband. Iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17). In your marriage, you will sharpen your husband, and your husband will sharpen you. Two sides of the same coin.

Together, you will go the next level. Your husband has what you need to go to be transformed and go to the next level, and you have what he needs to be transformed and go to the next level.

You will both become the best version of yourself by being together. One sharpens the other.

I think that in this present world, it’s easy to lose yourself with all the influences of Babylonian systems. Many men and women are lost with the things of this world.

It’s harder and challenging to find people who want to build a relationship on strong foundations of love, faith, trust, honesty, kindness and a strong relationship with God.

That’s why you need pray and wait on God to be with the right person at the right time.

Nowadays, what matter the most are appearances and material possessions. To have or to be?!

It reminds me that I still need to read that book “To have or to be” written by Eric Fromm. Passons… (Let’s continue)

You can meet nice people without substance.

Many times, I have heard some Christian women complaining about men. They don’t find men who fear the Lord. I am sure it’s the same for them. They want a wife of noble character, but it’s hard to find one in this fallen world. It’s not like we are all living in the same place.

Also, meeting a good man does not me he is right for you. Same thing for men. Only God knows what is best for you. He has someone special for you.

We all need to wait on God.

Pray and let God show you who is your wife.

Pray and let God show lead your husband towards you.

Wait for God’s instructions. Let God prepare the way for you. Let Him change you.

God does not need your help.

He needs your trust. Do you trust Him?

Finally, it’s normal to feel lonely.

I was travelling a lot between 2017 and 2019. I like exploring the world. I went to Bali, Morocco, France, Czech Republic, Portugal, Spain and Ibiza. Bali was something.

I have to admit in some places I wanted to be with my husband. I said to myself it would have been nice to be with him right now.

You can feel that way too. You would like to share your life with someone. It’s normal.

I feel the feeling, acknowledge it, put it at the feet of God cause I have no control on His timing, and I keep moving one day at a time. I am not suppressing the feeling, but I am not dwelling on it.

It’s a choice to wait on God.

You want what God has for you.

I want what God has for me. The journey is hard, painful and tiring, but it’s worth it.

Every time I waited on God I received much more than expected. God always exceed my expectations, all I can think and imagine.

When it happens, you know it’s Him.

Everything falls into place.

His perfect timing.

Be encouraged and keep waiting on Him. He will exceed your expectations with your spouse.

It’s a matter of time.

May God do a “suddenly'“ in your life!

Avec beaucoup d’amour…

Books about Kingdom marriages:

  • Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married - Gary Chapman

  • The 5 love languages - Gary Chapman

  • The power of a praying wife - Stormy Omartian

  • The power of a praying husband - Stormy Omartian

  • His needs, her needs: Building an affair-proof marriage - Willard F. Harley

Videos that I found interesting on the subject: